Children’s University Approval Granted!

We are delighted that VOX Dance Studios has now been successfully validated as a Learning Destination with the Children’s University Cornwall sponsored by Plymouth University!

childrens-uni You may have already heard of the Children’s University Passport to Learning Scheme which has been adopted by a number of primary and secondary schools in Cornwall, however, for those of you who are not aware, here are some of the key reasons it is in place and what it involves:

  • Children are encouraged to be involved in activities outside of school to promote fun ways of learning and encourage children to participate and be engaged in a variety of activities that they choose themselves.
  • Children can request a Learning Passport from their primary/secondary school (if they are enrolled on the Scheme) or enquire with their school about it. The passport is there to record any out of school activities they take part in with approved Learning Destinations.
  • Children take their passports to approved Learning Destinations who have permission to sign off on any activities they have done with them e.g. dance.
  • When the children reach a certain number of hours, they are awarded certificates and eventually invited to a graduation ceremony complete with graduation robes and caps to celebrate their achievements!

More information can be found at Now that we are approved as a Learning Destination we are able to validate and sign off on any sessions that children attend with us so that they can continue to add to their achievements! If your child already has a Learning Passport and you attend any dance or drama sessions with VOX Dance Studios, please make sure you bring it to their classes and pass it to the teacher at VOX Dance Studios at the start of each lesson. We will then approve the activity and return it to you so that you and your child can see their hours gradually build up to reaching their certificate levels and graduation target hours! Exciting!

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